Friday, August 17, 2007

Gerard Is Engaged!!

Ok, I know you guys already heard this from Kebba, but I'm just throwing out some more info. I've done some Internet research, and it was not easy. Some sites say that Gerard is not engaged, some say that the band created the rumor because they were mad at him, and some say he is. I'm gonna go with the "yes, he is" because they had quotes from Gerard and a name for the lucky gal: Eliza Cuts [pictured with him above]. So...this is the girl that has stolen our beloved Way's heart?! Well, I wish them the best of luck together, and I hope she knows just how lucky she is. There are more [better] photos of her out there, but I just thought his one was so cute. :]


Sarah said...

*sob* i knew it was coming.....i just didnt know it would happen so soon....oh well, i agree though, they are the cutest couple!! frank and his gf are cute together too!! hope they are happy together, cuz it would break my heart if they werent....or atleast gerard, i dont care about the girl. just gerard....god hes hott....i luff him to death!!! XD XD XD XD

Anonymous said...

es ok, sawah. i don't really care. well i mean, i care that he's getting married of course, im just not sad. im not really into celebrities; i lik the guys i actually have a shot at. :] but i think they look very happy together. she looks really pretty and nice- like she'd bring some happiness into his emo life. *gasp* maybe he'll start writing love songs!!!

Sarah said...

lol, that would rock XD and they r cute together!

Anonymous said...

i know!! just look at his smile...he's so happy! i have never seen him smile b4 this!

Kelsey said...

okay yeh they r cute but not frank and his gf they arent tht cute but love is love

Anonymous said...

ya, wutever makes them happy.

Sarah said...

hey u, whats up? r we still on 4 the sleepover or not?

Anonymous said...

ok, mi dad wus really nice. 1st it wus "NO!" but that wus when he wus mad. Then after sum begging he said yes, but no sleepover. u guyses can come over on Sat. from 4-10 if u can. the only reason no sleepover is cuz Sun. is mi parents lazy day & they lik 2 sleep in. & u know, its only responsible 4 a parent 2 b up when there's company. so we couldve dun it Fri., but my sis already called dibs 1st on that time slot. so, ya. tell kels. & btw, do u have ne black chockers or skull stuff i can wear 4 the 1st day? i have an acceptable outfit, but its nawt really emo... neways, call mi babe!