Tuesday, June 26, 2007

New York

Hey you guyses-
I'm just letting you know that from this Friday to Friday, July 7 I won't be getting back to your messages or comments- and it's not because I'm ignoring you. I am just giving you a heads-up and letting you know that on Friday I will be leaving for a family reunion in New York-- Seneca Falls, to be exact. I'll be coming back on Friday, July 7. I probably won't be able to get on the computer on the 7 (I think we're traveling that day) but I just wanted you people to know that if you have anything important to tell me, you had better do it before Friday.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Improv Camp Gone Wild!

Hey you guys- if you haven't seen it already, you absolutely HAVE to watch the video on the sidebar. This girl at improv camp brought a camera to the last day of camp, and I wondered what it was for. Now I know! She made a video of everyone in camp and put it to a FOB song (Thriller!). I'm only in it like 2 or 3 times :( but most of my friends -Sarah, Liza Jane, Julianna, Michael, Morgan, Carson, and Lauren- are in it a million times. You won't recognize who any of them are, of course, so you'll have to call me so I can describe them. Also, the second video is one that she made showing how WEIRD these 4 guys from camp were- Sean, Michael, Hudson, and Carson. It's really funny!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

Hey y'all! I would just like to say happy father's day to every daddy out there, especially my daddy. Daddy, I love you. You are so much fun and I love spending time with you, even though you like Kelly better. But I still love you anyway, and I want to thank you for being my dad, because you rock. So happy father's day to every dad, you're great people and we really love you and appreciate you.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

I'm Free!

Hey peeps-
I just wanted y'all to know that I have a million different summer camps this summer, but I am actually free after 12 the entire upcoming week (I'm volunteering @ the library from 9-12). So I would be more than happy if someone would give me a call. I'd love to do something this week. And even if you're not free, just give me a call to talk for a while. It's summer, so we're supposed to spend more time together, not less! So call me anytime, and I'd be happy to talk to ya.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


As many of you know, I am taking a daylong camp this week and a week in July at ImaginOn! I am having sooo much fun. I have met the funniest people and learned some really cool things that I didn't know before. I think that the camp makes me better as an actor and as a person. And like I said, the people there are soooo cool! Especially the boys, which is really weird. I mean, most guys (not including you, CJ) are absolute jerks, especially in drama, because it's a chance for them to act stupid. But the guys there are funny and nice and they are really trying hard in the camp and they're very talented. My mom says they're all gay, but I definitely don't think so. Because, as Kebba has taught me, a guy is not necessarily gay just because he's a decent person.

Friday, June 8, 2007

WOO- HOO!!!!

YAHOO! SCHOOL'S OUT! I really am going to miss all of you soooo much. I love you guys! Y'all are so cool and Sarah I had so much fun at your sleepover! I luved your bus stop (my bus is so ghetto) and I'm really regretting that I forgot to tell CJ that I luv him (not for reals peeps it's just an inside joke!). That would have been so funny! Please keep in touch over the summer! We'll definitely have to get together and do something. If you have my #, please call me ANYTIME. If you don't have it, then get in contact with someone who does b/c there is no way I'm putting my # on my blog for the world to see. :) Teehee. Toodles for now!