Saturday, May 12, 2007


We did "The Magical Land of Oz" last night!!! We perform it again tonight at 5. It was so marvelous, and everyone lost their stomach butterflies early on. It was really scary when we broke a mike, though. It was supposed to be given to Dorothy, but it was PITCH BLACK backstage. The girl bumped into someone and broke it. I don't know how we managed to fix it, but everything went pretty uphill from that point on. I loved doing the play. I'll be so sad once it's over. Oh, and whoever said acting isn't a sport doesn't know what they were talking about. I thought I was going to drown in my own sweat.

1 comment:

Keb said...

Well, it's so sad to see that the play is over *tear*, but I think we'll make it. I love you and es! I made a blog!!