Thursday, May 31, 2007

You know, of course, that my puppy doggy is the bestest doggy in the world. Shelby is 100% unique and looks different from every doggy, but I wanted a pic of her on my blog, and I don't know how to do that... But I looked on the Internet and this doggy looked more like Shelby than any other dog out there, so it'll have to do. I hope y'all will get a chance to see the real Shelby in person.

Monday, May 28, 2007


My friends and I are going to audition for a production of Oliver! at Theatre Charlotte next Sunday (June 3). Wish us luck!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Phantom of the Opera

I found this pic on the Internet (it's a great place for finding stuff) and decided to post it for my friends Sarah and Kebba Joy and anyone else who loves "The Phantom of the Opera". I saw a few other pics, but they were really small and got blurry when I tried to make them bigger.

Friday, May 18, 2007


One of my bestest friends, Hannah Banana, is having her birthday party today. I can't make it and I feel horrible about missing out. So I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY BANANA and I love you.

Monday, May 14, 2007


This is one of my friends, Graham, wearing Glinda's dress. I stole this pic from Kelsey's blog, but how could I help it? I had to have it at the top of my blog. Poor Graham. But don't worry- at least it's your color. :)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Pic on our Program

Amazingly, I was able to find the exact photo that was pictured on the program for the play. For those of you not involved in the play, this is what the pic on our program looked like. For those of you involved in the play, this is what the pic on the program looked like in color. Cool, huh?


I would like to say happy mother's day to every mama out there, old and new. Know that we appreciate you SO much and wouldn't be anywhere without your guiding hand. And thank you, Mommy, for getting me a bouquet and taking a gazillion pics of our play! If anyone cares, my Daddy got my Mommy a bouquet of flowers for mother's day and we're all going to Friendly's later! Yea!!!!

It's over. We all worked our butts off for 5 months+, and it's over. I can't believe it. Now there's nothing left, no proof whatsoever how hard we worked except for memories. Well, and pics. And programs. And yellow bricks. And T-shirts...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

This is a pic from the Wizard of Oz. Pretty, huh? Of course, I think it's gorgeous, but that's just because it took me forever to figure out how to post pics.


We did "The Magical Land of Oz" last night!!! We perform it again tonight at 5. It was so marvelous, and everyone lost their stomach butterflies early on. It was really scary when we broke a mike, though. It was supposed to be given to Dorothy, but it was PITCH BLACK backstage. The girl bumped into someone and broke it. I don't know how we managed to fix it, but everything went pretty uphill from that point on. I loved doing the play. I'll be so sad once it's over. Oh, and whoever said acting isn't a sport doesn't know what they were talking about. I thought I was going to drown in my own sweat.

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Magical Land of Oz is TODAY!!!!! I absolutely can't wait. We've all worked sooooo hard and I know it's gonna be awesome. Lots of people underestimate it, but the cast and crew know how good it's gonna be. Remember, it's tonight at 7 and tomorrow at 5. It's gonna be wonderful, because it's the only thing that Mrs. Baucom hasn't had the chance to screw up.